Uniformly shaped pieces of chewable compressed nugget ice are higher in quality than other nugget ice and more reliably dispensed
Recent surveys show that over 70% of consumers prefer Chewblet ice
Attract teen and young adult customers to build lifelong relationships
We help you deliver fresher, more sanitary ice to your customers
Horizon Elite ice machines are fast and easy to clean, requiring only half the cleaning time of other ice machines.
Choose RIDE (Remote ice delivery equipment) for sanitary delivery of ice up to 75 feet. Relocating the ice machine from on top of a dispenser provides full access to ice storage for sanitizing without expensive ice machine removal
Eliminate the need for scooping and the risks associated with human contact with ice
Dedicated totes and carts that aren't used for other purposes in your facility can be easily filled and wheeled to their destination
Reduced worker contact means safer, more sanitary ice
3 easy steps, all in less than an hour
Simple enough to be performed by in-house personnel
No need for costly bearing inspection or replacement